Terms & Conditions

Thank you for choosing Jen’s Dogs. These terms and conditions apply to all visitors and help to keep our field hire and training sessions safe and enjoyable for dogs and owners.
We reserve the right to ask you to leave at any time if you are not adhering to our policies.
General conditions
The following general conditions apply for all visitors to Jen’s Dogs.
Please park in the spaces provided in the car park. No parking is allowed on the driveway or road. To get to the car park, follow the drive straight down in between the stables. There is no access to the house at Hillanvale Farm.
Please park considerately.
Parking on-site is at your own risk and Jen’s Dogs accepts no responsibility for any damage to your vehicle while at our facility. Any belongings are left in your car at your own risk.
Respect our neighbours
We have neighbours and we ask that everyone who visits Jen’s Dogs respects them.
As well as following our Parking conditions above, please keep noise to a minimum. Of course dogs bark sometimes, and that is acceptable, but please keep this to reasonable amounts. Please also refrain from yelling and shouting.
Keep dogs on leads
Please keep dogs on leads at all times, unless instructed in a session or in a hire field.
Flexi leads are strictly forbidden due to the risk posed to others and your dog.
Respect other dogs and owners
There may be noise-sensitive or fearful dogs on-site: please be courteous with your behaviour and think of others. Some dogs on site may be nervous of people or dogs so be kind and give others space.
Always listen for instructions from other owners. They may need a moment to get their dog into or out of their car or to a training session safely.
Report aversion training methods
At Jen’s Dogs we only use science-based, force-free methods. All techniques are kind, reward-based and based on positive reinforcement.
We do not allow any aversion training methods to be used at Jen’s Dogs either in training sessions, hire fields or anywhere on site. This includes but is not limited to:
Choke collars
Prong collars
Check chains
Bark collars
Spray collars
Shock collars
Noise used to intimidate
Hitting or physically striking your dog in any way
The definition of aversion training methods is at Jen’s Dogs’ sole discretion, and anyone seen using these methods will be immediately asked to stop. Refusal will result in being asked to leave with no future return and no refund will be given for any sessions booked.
If you witness aversion methods being used, please report it to a member of staff. All reports will be treated completely anonymously. We encourage all of our visitors to be proactive in upholding the standard of practice we aim to keep.
Dog fouling and litter
Please clean up after your dog and put all poo bags into the provided bin or take them home with you.
Please report any poo found.
If you are found to be wilfully not cleaning up after your dog, you will be banned from all Jen’s Dogs facilities.
Please toilet your dog before entering the arena and try to prevent any fouling while in the arena.
There is no provision for general waste: please take all litter home with you. Our provided bins are for dog poo only. Littering will not be tolerated at all.
We are a strictly non-smoking site. If you smoke on site you may be asked to leave.
We have a zero-tolerance abuse policy. Anyone who threatens or harasses any member of staff will be immediately asked to leave with no future return and no refund will be given for any sessions booked.
Children are welcome on site and must be accompanied at all times by an adult (over 18). We accept no responsibility for children’s safety, and it is the supervising adult who must ensure the child’s safety at all times. Children over the age of 16 may attend a training session unaccompanied.
Bikes, scooters and ball games
No bikes, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, ball games (such as football; fetch is allowed) are allowed on site.
Photography and marketing
During your time at Jen’s Dogs photos and videos may be taken and these may be used for marketing purposes. By taking part in your training session, you consent to images of you and your dog being used by Jen’s Dogs. If you would not like images of you or your dog used, please let us know.
Any feedback given (verbal or written) may be used for marketing purposes, for example on our website or social media channels. Only first names will be used.
Recordings of any nature (photos, videos, etc.) are not permitted during training sessions without the express permission of your Jen’s Dogs trainer. We reserve the right to ask you leave and delete any recordings if you are repeatedly in breach of this and no refund will be given.
Ensure your dog’s safety
Please be aware of your dog’s behaviour and ensure the safety of others. Your dog is your responsibility at all times.
We have a strict one dog to one adult policy during training sessions and four dogs to one adult policy during field hire (if you require field hire with a higher ratio, please call us).
Please call us if you are worried about ensuring your dog’s safety or your dog’s behaviour during your visit.
Accidents and injuries
Any accident or injury must be immediately reported to Jen’s Dogs.
If accident or injury occurs during a training session, tell your trainer
If accident or injury occurs during field hire, call 07584033418
Health and vaccinations
We can make no guarantee that there is no risk of disease at our training facility, especially when in contact with other dogs and while using shared toys.
Dogs visiting our training facility must be fully vaccinated. A declaration on booking must be made. We will ask to see their vaccination card at your first session. Please speak to us if you cannot show your card, for example if you are titre testing.
For puppy classes, we ask all puppies to wait until after their second set of injections. This is for their safety as we cannot guarantee no disease and these infections, especially Parvovirus, can be devastating. You will not be missing any training or socialisation windows by waiting. If you are concerned, please contact us for advice.
If you fail to bring proof of vaccination to your first session, you may be asked to leave with no refund given.
By taking part in a training session or hiring a field with us, you are accepting that you are participating in an activity that poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog. You are agreeing to indemnify Jen’s Dogs for all personal injury and damage to property which may occur as a result of you and your dog attending your training session or field hire.
You also agree to make anyone who accompanies you to Jen’s Dogs, or takes your place, aware that they are there at their own risk and all the Terms & Conditions. You understand and accept that your dog (and their behaviour) will remain your responsibility at all times, whether you are in the presence of the trainer or not.
You will also be liable for any damage to any Jen’s Dogs’ property caused by either yourself, your guest or your dog.
Terms and Conditions are subject to change.
One-to-one training sessions
As well as the general conditions, the following conditions apply to one-to-one training sessions.
Payment in full must be made within 48 hours of receiving your invoice or within 24 hours of the session, whichever is soonest.
If you do not pay on time you will lose your time slot.
Any package sessions must be used in full within 6 months. If you do not use package sessions within 6 months you will lose the sessions and no refund will be given.
7 days notice must be given in order to cancel a session and receive a refund. All cancellations must be put in writing to info@jensdogs.co.uk. A session is not considered cancelled until Jen’s Dogs has confirmed receipt of notice.
48 hours notice is required to reschedule a session. You can only reschedule a session once and once rescheduled you can no longer request a refund.
If you have purchased package sessions and choose to cancel partway through your session block, all sessions used will be charged at full price.
If, due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as weather/illness/emergency, Jen’s Dogs has to reschedule a session you will be notified by text or email at the earliest possible time. We will do our best to find a mutually convenient time to reschedule. If none can be found a refund will be given.
Group training sessions
As well as the general conditions, the following conditions apply to group training sessions.
Payment in full must be made at the time of booking if booked online. If booking over the phone or by email, payment in full must be made within 48 hours of receiving your invoice or within 24 hours of the session, whichever is soonest.
In order to cancel a course and receive a refund, 14 days notice must be given.
All cancellations of bookings booked by phone/email must be put in writing to info@jensdogs.co.uk. A session is not considered cancelled until Jen’s Dogs has confirmed receipt of notice.
All cancellations of bookings booked online can be cancelled by logging into your account.
No refunds will be given if you cannot attend one of the sessions. Please ensure you have checked the timetable and you can attend all the sessions.
If, due to unforeseeable circumstances, such as weather/illness/emergency, Jen’s Dogs has to reschedule a session you will be notified by text and/or email at the earliest possible time. No refund will be given if you cannot attend the rescheduled session except in exceptional circumstances at Jen’s Dogs’ discretion.
Hire fields
As well as the general conditions, the following conditions apply to hire field sessions.
Our hire fields are a secure area to exercise and train your dog(s). They are not to be used for any other purpose, such as family picnic.
Payment must be paid in full at the time of booking.
All bookings are final and non-refundable.